Airport Procedures
Once you reach the airport, head towards the check-in counter of the airline.
Handover your passport and the ticket to the airline staff. Whilst your documents are scrutinized, you will be asked to get your luggage/s weighed.
Place your luggage/s on the weighing scale beside the counter. If you have a handbag which you intend to carry as a cabin baggage, you may not be asked to weigh it. However, if the size of the handbag is bigger than a normal backpack, you may be asked to weigh it to make sure the total weight does not exceed the allowed weight.
Once checked and found within the allowed limit, a sticker with your name, travel destination and baggage identification number will be attached to the checked-in baggage and allowed to be transported to the airline’s cargo hold.
You will then be handed your passport, the checked in baggage identification tag with the number and boarding pass, which will show your assigned seat number and the gate through which you need to board the plane. You will also be given a handbag tag to tie to your handbag.
You are good to go. Head towards the assigned gate. Wait until boarding announcement is made. Once boarding commences, present your passport and the boarding pass to the airline staff at the boarding gate, get checked by the security personal and board the plane.
Make sure you don't lose your checked in baggage identification tag which you need while collecting your baggage at the destination. (Normally it's easy to identify your bag without the help of the identification number but in the unfortunate event of lost baggage, the identification tag will help the airline staff to track and search for it.)